Category Archives: Nonprofit Accounting

Operations Manuals

A ManualI was asked recently how to create an operations manual. The first thing you need to decide is what will be in it.  Will it cover everything or will you have a separate personnel and financial policy / accounting manual?  If you are doing an all-in-one you can always break it into pieces later, you don’t want to have something so unwieldy that it is never looked at.

A great way to start is to create a list of different activities that happen in your nonprofit every week:

  • How is the mail opened?
  • When are deposits made?
  • How is payroll done?
  • Who is making sure our reports are filed?
  • Who approves the bills to be paid?

After five minutes of brainstorming you and your colleagues can have the beginnings of a manual.  It does not have to be fancy, even a simple bulleted list will do the job.

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CPAs, Boards and the IRS

MegaphoneBelow are three items that might be of interest to nonprofit accounting professionals.

How can our nonprofit find a CPA?

This article from Step By Step Fundraising has some great information on getting you started on your search.  As a bonus for you home school folks out there the author of that article has a great website too.

Are board members liable for investment losses?

Two posts back I answered a question on weather or not a board could be liable if it relied, in good faith, on outside advice when making its decisions.  Later I came across this great piece from the Risk Management Center that talks about the recent Madoff scandal and the impact it will have on nonprofits who had invested funds with him.  Please do read the article and follow through the links, especially to this one, a free publication that details the state laws for charitable immunity.

IRS and 990 trainings and tips

FAS 117-1

Board MeetingDoes your nonprofit have a donor-restricted endowment fund or a board-designated endowment fund? Are you hoping to get or create one? Effective for fiscal years ending after December 15, 2008, nonprofit organizations with donor-restricted and board-designated endowment funds are facing changes in financial statement reporting and disclosure requirements.

In August 2008 the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued FASB Staff Position (FSP) No. FAS 117-1, “Endowments of Not-for-Profit Organizations: Net Asset Classifications of Funds Subject to an Enacted Version of the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (UPMIFA), and Enhanced Disclosures for All Endowment Funds.”

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