Category Archives: Policies and Procedures

A Nonprofit News Roundup

roundupI’ve spent the better part of today catching up on my reading of blogs, email and newsletters and thought I would share some of the choice morsels I have found.

From the Ison Law Group’s blog comes an update on the Family Medical Leave Act regulations.  These updated regulations became effective January 16 and it is important that employers that fall under these regulations keep up with any changes that could affect them.

From the Nonprofit Leadership 601 blog comes a calendar of major conferences this year.  Heather also writes about an issue close to my heart, funders who ‘get’ nonprofits.  Her article lists a couple of funding organizations and how they look at funding the whole organization, not just programs.

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More Questions

Questions?Here are some answers to question I received at a recent training.  Many of the questions in this batch came from folks involved with religious organizations, synagogues and churches.

Why are religious organization tax exempt?

The best answer I have is the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States which states, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, nor prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Taxing a religious organization might interfere with the free exercise of religion.  For the IRS take on churches and religious organization exemptions please read this.

Is  a board member protected from legal action if it relies on outside advice?

If the board member is not paid and is acting in good faith they are most likely protected if they are involved in making what turn out to be bad decisions, even decisions that result in harm to the nonprofit.  More protection may be had in the organization Directors and Officers Liability insurance policies.  A great source of info on this topic is here, and for an organization that specializes in nonprofit insurances click here.

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More Questions and Answers

Questions?When I present trainings and workshops I always get at least one question I can’t answer on the spot and need to look up.  Here are the Questions and Answers from the week of January 12th, 2009:

  1. If our organization awards scholarships do we list that on the form 990?

    Yes you probably do.  For information about what kinds of grants and other assistance is listed in the updated Form 990 and Schedule I please click here.

  2. How long do we keep records for donations to our nonprofit?

    At least seven years after the donation.  Many organizations keep them permanently but that is up to the organization.

  3. When we pay someone a stipend do we have to give them a 1099 at the end of the year?

    Yes you do as it is considered “non-employee compensation.”  Please check out the IRS’s 1099-Misc information here.

  4. Where can I find more sample policies and procedures?  Specifically ones that the IRS is asking for?

    updated Form 990 The Yolo Community Foundation has put theirs online to promote good governance, please check them out here.
    Also the National Council of Nonprofits has some good samples as well.

  5. Do raffle and auction winners get a donation thank you?

    Yes, if they end up paying more than market value for the item they recieved.  Check out this nice piece from the IRS that is all about contributions and specifically take a look at the examples that start on page three.

Did I miss any?  Ask them in the comments below or email me.