Tag Archives: Restrictions

Some Questions and Answers

Questions?What would be the accounting transaction recorded by a 501(c)3 organization for a permanently restricted donation received?

The particulars will depend on what accounting software you are using. Basically you would debit cash or receivables (depending on if you got the money or just a letter saying you were getting the money) and credit an income account. If you are using QuickBooks you also would code the income to a ‘class’ that is called something like ‘permanently restricted funds’ and to the particular funder (customer / job).

I’m new to a nonprofit board. Big discussion always about the income statement which shows a multi-year grant vs. the expense of that money. Is the income booked in the current fiscal year of receipt and the expense booked in the next fiscal year of expense? Or, are they both booked in the year of expense, which is in this example the next year, and is what I would do in the private sector with a pre-paid item? Is there a difference in the answer depending upon whether the money was received or merely pledged?

Also, can you recommend a good nonprofit accounting starter guide or overview?

First off I’d recommend this book.  Short, easy to read and great basic financial information for nonprofit staff and managers. There are lots of other great books out there but this is always the first place I look when I have a question.

You have touched on one of the big issues of nonprofit accounting. The matching principal in regular accounting gets thrown out the door for the most part. For what you describe above the 100,000 is booked as income for this fiscal year. Next fiscal year will have all the expenses and the nonprofit will need to figure out a way to explain this that will make sense to folks.

One way I recommend adding in an income item in a P&L report called “grant monies released from restriction.” As you do the work that the 100,000 is paying for you can ‘add’ income here to balance the expenses. This addition of income is actually a release of funds from restricted monies to unrestricted monies, not just revenue pulled out of the air.

As for pledge or cash, it matters when you are promised, or pledged the monies. If you get a letter from the funder at the end of this fiscal year awarding you the grant but don’t actually received checks until next FY, it is still considered revenue to the organization when you received that first official notification.

Why Nonprofits Have Profit

Money money moneyA question I received recently is a familiar one:

How can I best explain to a non-accountant how we can have a net profit and retained earnings for a not-for-profit organization?

I think the confusion here lies with the term “not-for-profit.” Charitable / Nonprofit / Not-for-Profit organizations are not organized to make a profit for a group of owners or shareholders. They are organized to *do* some kind of charitable purpose. They are mission-driven organizations, not profit driven.

In order for an organization to do its work and carry out its mission on an ongoing basis it must generate more income than the expenses it incurs. It must make a profit. Any organization, either a for-profit or a nonprofit, that does not take in more money than it spends will fail in the end.

The net profits of the charitable organization are retained by the nonprofit and used to further its mission by expanding programs, hiring additional staff, training staff, upgrading equipment or even creating a reserve account. The net profits of a charity are not distributed to the owners as they would be in a for-profit business.

Does that help?

FAS 117-1

Board MeetingDoes your nonprofit have a donor-restricted endowment fund or a board-designated endowment fund? Are you hoping to get or create one? Effective for fiscal years ending after December 15, 2008, nonprofit organizations with donor-restricted and board-designated endowment funds are facing changes in financial statement reporting and disclosure requirements.

In August 2008 the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) issued FASB Staff Position (FSP) No. FAS 117-1, “Endowments of Not-for-Profit Organizations: Net Asset Classifications of Funds Subject to an Enacted Version of the Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (UPMIFA), and Enhanced Disclosures for All Endowment Funds.”

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